Animal Emotions – the driving force behind our dog’s behaviors
Animals Make Us Human
Anticipation - The Sweetest Smell of All by Peta Clarke
Autonomic Nervous System
Behavourism V's the Cognitive Black Box!
BRAIN - The Brains Seeking System
CARE Social Pain wy people becomes addicted
DOGS - Do Dogs Have Emotions
Dopamine drives the seeking system. When they’re aroused, the dopamine circuits in our brains put us in the seeking state where we feel eager and aroused (By contrast, when stimulating the SEEKING pathway, rats will eagerly activate brain stimulation all day long.)
Driving Force behind animal Emotions
EMOTIONS - What are Emotions?
FEAR, which, contrary to what many researchers claim, does NOT begin in the amygdala, but begins much lower -
Happy – or Just Hyper?
How the brain hardHappy or Hyper - Dopamine drives the seeking system-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. And why that's dangerous
Humanity's 7 Primal Emotions
Internet Addiction
LAB - In the lab of Happy rats
Panksepp, SEEK, and Natural Dog Training
Patricia McConnell Click and… Always Treat? Or Not?
Play and the Development of Social Skills
Play impulse
- Brains at Play - Why do we humans like to play so much? CARTOON
PLAY - From SEEKING to PLAY there are no reinforcement process in the brain that anybody has ever identified.
Play - The Primal Power of Play
Play The Importance Of Play
Psychiatric ward to understanding happiness
SEEKING Temple Grandid - Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals
SEEKING Circuit - The Hunt
SEEKING System Concepts
SEEKING SYSTEM Dear reader: Jaak Panksepp on the brain and searching the web
SEEKING system -
Is Activation “Seeking System” Dependent?
Technology and the brain: On clicking, seeking, Massaro shoes, and dopamine
Temple Grandid book - Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals
The science of emotions: Jaak Panksepp at TEDxRainier
Tickling Rats
Why Do Rats Laugh - positive and negative reinforcement 7mins -skinner 18 mins (57:20) - SEEKING SYSTEM 21 MINS
jolly routine see Bill Campbell
jumping up
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